There are a multitude of reason why your car won’t start mysteriously without warning and we’ll go through some of the other common problems and checks to do that aren’t related to an ignition switch failure which will stop you from starting the vehicle.
If you have already gone through all the symptoms listed here then try the following, it might get you going again with some simple fixes. Anything beyond this is going to require a mechanic to investigate further.
- Check the gears are changing, there is a linkage on the front of the gearbox which is known to break and you won’t be able to change gears. Its a simple fix by installing a bolt, however if you are stuck on the side of the road somewhere even a cable tie will get you by and at least get the car started and home again.
- Check the car is in park “P”. This might sound silly however some problems with gearboxes can arise where the selector doesn’t go into park properly or at all. It will either show it’s in reverse “R” still or may show its in park “P” but not fully engaged. Try putting the car in neutral “N” and see if this works. Often the usual dash lights won’t come as normal and there is a battery icon.
- If the car still doesn’t start with no cranking of the starter motor and you are getting lights on the dash but also see an engine warning light and/or a battery symbol, check the black cable connected to the starter motor. For some reason either from previous work done or vibrations from the motor this cable can become lose causing intermittent connections. It’s a little hard to access if you have an XR6 or XR8 and may need to jack the front of the car, the start motor is behind the front passenger wheel under the manifold and you’ll see a big thick red cable and small black cable attached. Simply disconnect the black cable and reconnect.
- If you hear the engine cranking over and then the starter motor make a loud ticking sound then this is likely just a flat battery.
- If the engine doesn’t crank over and there is no engine or battery symbol on the dash lights then it could be a failed starter motor. They are known to either seize up or wear the bushes inside. A auto electrician, mobile mechanic or RACQ can test the starter motor before you go down the track of replacing it. It’s also worth checking the starter motor, ignition and accessories relays are still functioning.
- Make sure you have fuel. Again sounds silly however the fuel sender sensor which controls the fuel gauge can fail causing the fuel gauge to stop working and you may have inadvertently run out of fuel without realising.
- If you have no lights on the dash except for a flashing red hand symbol all while the key turns and feels normal then this means the immobiliser is still active. This could mean the transponder in the key has failed, whilst it doesn’t happen a lot it can happen.
- In very rare circumstances there is a pin inside the steering column that links the key/barrel to the ignition switch, the head of this pin can snap off which make the key spin freely when turning it. This can be misdiagnosed as an ignition switch failure without taking the cowl off and inspecting the ignition switch to see if its still intact. This is terminal and will require a new steering column.
So there you have it a basic list of things that might work and get you home. Best tip is make sure you keep some cable ties handy or upgrade the gearbox linkage at your next service.